Documents Reveal Recently-Elected European Leader as a Young Communist

Poor England and the United Kingdom. As we have seen on the news, the country has been overrun by migrants, many from African countries who are not adjusting and taking their anger to the local populations with machetes and rape. The other demographic is Muslim and in enclaves are demanding that Sharia law replaces the Mother of Parliaments. The country is crippled by the pressures on medical services, housing and inflation. Brexit has yet to be leveraged into the boon it could be.

Disgusted by the lack of action from 14 years of conservative government, the UK voted in the Labour Party and with it came this man, their new prime minister, Keir Starmer.

Keir Starmer, often referred to in discussions as “Keri Starter” due to mispronunciations or typographical errors, has been a figure of interest regarding his past affiliations and political leanings, especially in the context of his socialist or communist connections. Here’s what can be pieced together from various sources and sentiments expressed on platforms like X:

In his youth, Keir Starmer was involved with the Labour Party Young Socialists, which some have labeled as having communist leanings or influences. This involvement was during his teenage years, suggesting an early inclination towards leftist politics. His past, including his brief association with Trotskyist ideas in the late 1980s when he edited “Socialist Alternatives,” fuels speculation about his deeper political beliefs.

A significant point of discussion has been Starmer’s participation in a work camp in Czechoslovakia during the Cold War. This event has been highlighted by various commentators and media outlets, noting that his participation led to his details being included in Communist spy files. This incident occurred when he was 23, and while the intention was to commemorate victims of Nazi atrocities, it inadvertently placed him in a situation monitored by the Czechoslovakian secret police, suggesting potential exploitation by Communist regimes of the time for propaganda or intelligence purposes. It is well known that Western kids were often honey-trapped or involved in compromising situations which might be leveraged at a future date should the subject become useful.